The Buy-It-Yourself Future - Is It Already Here? 

In cooperation with Localogy, Mono commissioned a report to better understand where the industry stands today on BIY and what is a likely near- and mid-term future for sales automation in local. Download a copy today!



The notion of a buy-it-yourself (BIY) platform has been out there for a while in the local digital marketing and commerce space, offering compelling incentives. This report looks into the prospects for BIY in local and whether companies that sell advertising and software for local businesses believe in its future. Some highlights from the report include: 

  • Sales automation is inevitable and is already here to a certain degree. Yet it is believed that the role of a salesperson will not erode any time soon in areas with a high level of complexity or where there is a lack of universal belief in the product.
  • Products such as websites are well suited for BIY because their purpose and value is widely understood among SMBs. For other products BIY will become more important in the future as they mature and establish trust.
  • Another role for BIY is to expand the available market for a product by using it as a channel to reach businesses too small to be addressed by live sales agents. These BIY customers are often also DIY (do-it-yourself). These BIY/DIY buyers can be used as a funnel of prospects for sales and service teams to upsell into DIWM (do-it-with-me) or DIFM (do-it-for-me) service models.

The report was commissioned by Mono Solutions, and put together in collaboration with Localogy.

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